Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Love or viruses ..?

 Love or viruses ..? 
Waduw head-head, a virus that is really cruel, also confused many people said that this is a character we as human beings, and are justified by God's word. But some people say this as a virus called a virus or al isyq love. This virus has a lot of time eating the victim, may you all have heard someone who killed themselves because of dropping out of love or love or even declined merelakan idolatry itself in action go to the healer so that love can be received. Moreover, since time bahola until baholu .. hehe ..^_^ love stories have been graven in spots. This article I will discuss the difference between two opinions about love: (Malu nih ngomong love only love), 
According to an article I read in the archive Moslem, which essentially holds that love is a heart disease, said that: 
  Ibnul Qayyim said, "love is a type of shock liver disease that requires special handling due to the different diseases, both in terms of the forms, causes, and terapinya. If the prey has been the human heart and purity mengakar in the heart, difficult for the doctor to find medications and penderitanya difficult penawarnya cured. " 
Alloh Subhanahu wa Ta'ala narrate it in the Qur'an about the two types of people, first, second and women, queer folk who love to mardan (boys looker). 
Alloh Subhanahu wa Ta'ala narrate how the disease has attacked the wife of Al Azis (Governor of Egypt) who love the Prophet Joseph Alaihis Salam, and overwrite the Alaihis Peace Luth. Alloh relate to the land of angels coming Luth Alaihis Salam, which means: "And people come to the city (home to Luth) with a happy (because) the arrival of guests. Luth said, "Surely they are tamuku, so do not be ashamed to give (to me), and fear, and do not make Alloh I offended." They said, "And we have not melarangmu from (the) man?" Luth said, "This is daughter-daughter (the country) ku (kawinlah with them), if you want to do that is lawful). "(Alloh said)," By the life (Muhammad), they oscillate in the intoxication (error). "(QS : Al-Hijr: 67-72). 
Al disease isyq akan befall those whose heart is empty of feeling mahabbah (love) to Alloh, turn away from Him, and love to be beside him. 
HOW CAN THIS VIRUS contagious? 
Al isyq disease occurs because of two reason. First, because of the beautiful what dicintainya. Second, what feelings you want to have a beloved. If one of these two factors do not exist, would the virus will not spread. Although chronic diseases have been confusing many people and some experts are working to provide terapinya, but the solutions provided have not hit. 

But according to MediaMuslim.Info love of a man and woman to love a woman to men is a human feeling that comes from a character created Alloh Subhanallohu wa Ta'ala in the human soul, namely a tendency to type when the opponent has reached maturity mind and physical. As the Word Alloh Subhanallohu wa Ta'ala, which means: "And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives from jenismu sendir, and so you tend to feel tentram to him, and made him think of you love. Surely, in that there are indeed signs for people who think "(QS. Ar Rum: 21) 

Love is essentially something that is not dirty, because the foulness and purity depending on bingkainya. There is a holy frame and clean and have a dirty frame and unlawful. Love all the meaning of love, harmony, respect and longing, in addition to the preparation for the climb kehiduapan dikala love and grief, and the narrow field. Love is the natural tendency is Holy 
The love interest is not only a physical only. Of the physical is just the beginning of love is not puncaknya.Dan natural tendency for people like keindahan.Tapi besides the beauty of form and beauty of the personality must be accompanied with good morals. 
Islam is a religion because that is the natural tendency not handcuff islam feelings manusia.Islam not feeling the love that grows on a human self. But Islam teaches the human to maintain the feeling of love is kept, treated and protected from all the humiliation and what mengotorinya. 
Islam mebersihkan and direct feelings of love and teaching that was conducted before the akad nikah should graze the net from the unlawful. 
If my ma .. i agree that this is not love ... something that is prohibited by Islam but it is love itself must be placed pda portion and place of each. Do not people love to beat us to love the Creator, Allah SWT. If love is still based on love in the Rabb of course to be effective in something good, hopefully. Tul nggak?

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